Digital Literacies ARCHIVED Information literacies ARCHIVED Skills Team ARCHIVED TechItUpTuesday ARCHIVED Visual Literacies ARCHIVED

The importance of accessible content

#TechItUpTuesday As a student, you may not have considered accessible content and adapting your work to make it accessible to everyone. However, this issue will likely become much more important when you enter the working world but even as a student, I think it’s still important to consider this. Perhaps you are making a presentation, […]

Digital Literacies ARCHIVED Skills Team ARCHIVED TechItUpTuesday ARCHIVED

Stress and anxiety – our digital wellbeing

#TechItUpTuesday Halloween Edition As it’s approaching Halloween I thought it appropriate to theme this week’s post on digital wellbeing and some of the fears that may be caused by the digital world. Namely stress and anxiety which may sometimes feel as if it is coming out of nowhere (a bit like a flying pumpkin), but […]