Academic Literacies ARCHIVED Internships ARCHIVED Skills Team ARCHIVED

Can Mindfulness Help Your Studies?

Joanna Rawnsley Stella Cottrell thinks so. Cottrell is the author of Mindfulness for Students (2018) which isn’t only a book explaining what mindfulness is and how it can be useful, but it’s also full of exercises which can help you learn how to be mindful. What do you think of when you hear the term […]

Digital Literacies ARCHIVED Skills Team ARCHIVED TechItUpTuesday ARCHIVED

Stress and anxiety – our digital wellbeing

#TechItUpTuesday Halloween Edition As it’s approaching Halloween I thought it appropriate to theme this week’s post on digital wellbeing and some of the fears that may be caused by the digital world. Namely stress and anxiety which may sometimes feel as if it is coming out of nowhere (a bit like a flying pumpkin), but […]