Digital Literacies ARCHIVED Information literacies ARCHIVED Skills Team ARCHIVED TechItUpTuesday ARCHIVED

Digital identity – You’re leaving footprints

#TechItUpTuesday Digital footprints So, what is meant by your digital footprint, well whenever you use the internet you’re leaving a series of digital footprints. These footprints are the lasting impression of all the activities you perform online. Your digital footprints can be seen by others, particularly if you are using social networks like Facebook and […]

Digital Literacies ARCHIVED Skills Team ARCHIVED TechItUpTuesday ARCHIVED

Stress and anxiety – our digital wellbeing

#TechItUpTuesday Halloween Edition As it’s approaching Halloween I thought it appropriate to theme this week’s post on digital wellbeing and some of the fears that may be caused by the digital world. Namely stress and anxiety which may sometimes feel as if it is coming out of nowhere (a bit like a flying pumpkin), but […]

Digital Literacies ARCHIVED Skills Team ARCHIVED TechItUpTuesday ARCHIVED

Digital communication through Microsoft Teams

#TechItUpTuesday Today we will be taking a look at digital communication through Microsoft Teams. Teams is used to have online lessons or business meetings which include audio, video, and screen sharing. Teams allows you to communicate with your teacher’s fellow students or colleges. In Teams, you can also access any files your teacher or employer may ask you to […]