Academic Literacies ARCHIVED Digital Literacies ARCHIVED Skills Team ARCHIVED TechItUpTuesday ARCHIVED

Learning through social media

#TechItUpTuesday Last week we looked at managing your social media/network but what do we mean by learning through social media? Online social networks provide a whole host of tools to help you learn, share resources and connect with other students. This can be useful as university study has an ever-increasing focus on communal learning. Social […]

Digital Literacies ARCHIVED Information literacies ARCHIVED Skills Team ARCHIVED TechItUpTuesday ARCHIVED Visual Literacies ARCHIVED

Managing your social network

#TechItUpTuesday I’m sure most of you already know what social networks are so I’ll just go over this briefly. Social networks and/or social media services allow you to network with people who share interests, professions, hobbies, backgrounds, or real-life connections. These services are based online and often have mobile apps to allow users to access […]