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The Festival of Sleep

The 3rd of January marks the Festival of Sleep, an unofficial calendar event that encourages everyone to rest after the busy holiday period. Given this, and that it is a new year, I thought that it would be a good time to highlight the importance of sleep. More specifically, the role that sleeping plays in […]

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How the University Library is like the TARDIS

November 23rd marks Doctor Who Day. A day which celebrates when the iconic sci-fi show first aired in 1963. You may be asking, “But what has Doctor Who got to do with the University Library?”. Well, I know it seems a little bit random, but stick with me. As a Doctor Who fan, I couldn’t […]

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World Mental Health Day

Disclaimer- This blog will discuss the topic of mental health. The writers of this post are not professionals, but former students who want to help current students know what is available to them at the University. The 10th of October marks World Mental Health Day. The theme for this year is ‘Make mental health and […]

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Things I didn’t know as a student about the Brynmor Jones Library

Starting university can be quite a daunting prospect. There is a lot to learn in a short space of time. When I started at The University of Hull in 2018 I had to find my lecture rooms, meet new friends and discover new learning styles. It is for this reason that I missed out on […]

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Searching the Archives: a day at the Hull History Centre

If you’re anything like me, you might not have explored archives in your life. They’re just of dusty old documents anyway aren’t they? Well some may think so, but I certainly don’t! I went on a tour around the Hull History Centre and got to explore its archive material. Here is my experience of the […]

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My First Week as an Intern

My name is Jess and I recently started my role as an intern at the Brynmor Jones Library. Find out what I have learnt in the first week and why it has already been beneficial to my future career. The application process Up until two weeks ago, I worked in a pub as a supervisor. […]

Internships ARCHIVED

The end of my internship

It’s been an amazing journey for the last 3 months, and I can’t say enough how much I’ve enjoyed my time as an intern. Through it all, I’ve learnt a lot and improved my skills in web design, as well as having learnt a lot about Customer Engagement, a field of work I never fully […]

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My Internship Progress – The Final Post

My Internship Progress – The Final Post via GIPHY Two weeks ago, the public communication skills guide I’ve been working on went live and is now available for all who need/want guidance and advice on these types of assessments, but also for anyone who wants to learn more about writing for the public. I am […]

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My internship journey ends

Well, my internship adventure has now come to an end and I’m writing this after saying all my goodbyes. This has gone very fast the past three months only feel like a few weeks, but it has been a great learning experience for me. I have learned new things got to build on my experience […]

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Can Mindfulness Help Your Studies?

Joanna Rawnsley Stella Cottrell thinks so. Cottrell is the author of Mindfulness for Students (2018) which isn’t only a book explaining what mindfulness is and how it can be useful, but it’s also full of exercises which can help you learn how to be mindful. What do you think of when you hear the term […]